We’re serious about safety

We follow Sail Canada and Ontario Sailingstandards

Sailing coaches agree to follow the Sail Canada coach / instructor code of conduct.

  • Sailing and windsurfing is taught by qualified and insured Sail Canada coaches.

  • Sail Canada coaches undergo an extensive training program that teaches them: how to manage risk, teach a lesson, operate a power boat to coach and rescue sailors, first aid including CPR.

All camp staff complete criminal record checks before working at the Outer Harbour Sailing Camp.

All camp staff complete preseason training each year to prepare them for camp.

Youth Code of conduct

Participants of the Outer Harbour Sailing Camp are encouraged to:

  • Participate fully in the program, activities and/or events;

  • Take responsibility for behaviour and conduct - accept the consequences for inappropriate behaviour or conduct;

  • Follow instructions from any camp staff or coach;

  • Have a positive attitude and encourage others to do the same;

  • Be kind, respect yourself and others - this starts with please, thank you, only using / touching your own things;

  • Be prepared with appropriate clothing and equipment;

  • Help keep the camp tidy and clean - putting trash in the garbage, organizing your own things;

  • Leave at home or turn off and put away any electronic equipment - phones are distracting and can get damaged.

The Outer Harbour Sailing Camp offers a quality, inclusive and integrated water sport camp for young people in Toronto to try and enjoy rowing, windsurfing and sailing. Participation in the organization’s programs is subject to the observance of the organization’s rules and procedures. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Any participant or staff member who violates this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including removal from the program.

  • Abusive language towards a staff member, volunteer or another participant;

  • Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on camp property or reporting to the program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

  • Bringing onto camp property dangerous or unauthorized materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons or other similar items;

  • Discourtesy or rudeness to a fellow participant, staff member or volunteer;

  • Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another participant, staff member or volunteer;

  • Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group;

  • Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others;

  • Failure to follow any policy or procedure;

  • Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any participant;

  • Failing to cooperate with an adult supervisor/leader/mentor.


Understanding what a concussion looks like is crucial for anyone involved in any sport. We follow Ontario Sailing and Sail Canada concussion policy and guidelines. Please use the links below to read more:

Check out our Concussion infographic http://bit.ly/1tZmYF1